Body Cosmetic Surgery

Body Cosmetic Surgery

Dr. Galoob has more than 30 years of experience performing Body Cosmetic Surgery. Concepts for these types of procedures have changed during that time. Newer, more predictable and safer techniques have been developed. In addition to advances in surgical technique, there have been philosophical changes regarding the type of result desired and the goals of procedures.

The most dramatic change in technique involves the use of local anesthesia, outpatient treatment and intravenous sedation for procedures that previously required full, deep general anesthesia and hospital stays.

Dr. Galoob performs many forms of cosmetic body procedures based on the needs and desires of the patients. The procedures for each patient are individually designed to meet the patient's needs and desires. He will discuss this at length with each patient during consultation and pre-procedure visits.

Before Surgery

Prior to surgery, a complete medical history is taken in order to evaluate the general health of the patient. A thorough physical examination is performed to determine the most effective surgical approach. The amount, distribution and type of excess skin to be removed are carefully noted. If there are health concerns, consultation from another medical specialist may be requested to make sure that the patient is healthy before any procedure. Smoking is a known cause of healing problems after surgery and patients are asked to stop for at least one week prior and for 3 weeks after the procedure. Photographs are taken before and after surgery in order to evaluate the final results.

Types Of Body Cosmetic Surgeries